
上級研究員 鄭 誠虎


1994年 京都大学理学部卒業(主に化学を修める)
1996年 京都大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻修士課程修了
1999年 京都大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻博士課程修了(博士(理学))


1999年 ミュンヘン工科大学 博士研究員
2002年 ローマ大学 博士研究員
2003年 モンペリエ第二大学 博士研究員
2004年 分子科学研究所 助教
2010年 ソウル大学 研究教授
2011年 淑明女子大学 研究教授/責任研究員
2021年 理化学研究所生命機能科学研究センター 上級研究員


2009年 日本物理学会若手奨励賞(領域12・化学物理)




  1. 統計力学(主に液体論)をベースにした手法の開発と生体高分子系への応用


  1. Time-dependent communication between multiple amino acids during protein folding.
    S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Chemical Science, 12, 5944–5951 (2021)
  2. Local environment effects on charged mutations for developing aggregation-resistant monoclonal antibodies.
    J. Lee, S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Scientific Reports, 10, 21191 (13 pages) (2020)
  3. Explicit characterization of the free energy landscape of pKID–KIX coupled folding and binding.
    S.-H. Chong, H. Im and S. Ham
    ACS Central Science, 5, 1342–1351 (2019)
  4. Folding free energy landscape of ordered and intrinsically disordered proteins.
    S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Scientific Reports, 9, 14927 (9 pages) (2019)
  5. A new computational method for protein–ligand binding thermodynamics.
    S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Bulletin of Korean Chemical Society, 40, 180–185 (2019)
  6. Examining a thermodynamic order parameter of protein folding.
    S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Scientific Reports, 8, 7148 (9 pages) (2018)
  7. Role of electrostatic interactions in determining the G-quadruplex structures.
    J. Lee, H. Im, S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Chemical Physics Letters, 693, 216–221 (2018)
  8. Dynamics of hydration water plays a key role in determining the binding thermodynamics of protein complexes.
    S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Scientific Reports , 7, 8744 (10 pages) (2017)
  9. Computer simulations of intrinsically disordered proteins.
    S.-H. Chong, P. Chatterjee, and S. Ham
    Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 68, 117–134 (2017)
  10. Anomalous dynamics of water confined in protein–protein and protein–DNA interfaces.
    S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7, 3967–3972 (2016)
  11. New computational approach for external entropy in protein–protein binding.
    S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 12, 2509–2516 (2016)
  12. Dissecting protein configurational entropy into conformational and vibrational contributions.
    S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Journal of Physical Chemistry B , 119, 12623–12631 (2015)
  13. Structural and thermodynamic characteristics of amyloidogenic intermediates of -2-microglobulin.
    S.-H. Chong, J. Hong, S. Lim, S. Cho, J. Lee, and S. Ham
    Scientific Reports, 5, 13631 (9 pages) (2015)
  14. Structural versus energetic approaches for protein conformational entropy.
    S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Chemical Physics Letters, 627, 90–95 (2015)
  15. Distinct role of hydration water in protein misfolding and aggregation revealed by fluctuating thermodynamics analysis.
    S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Accounts of Chemical Research, 48, 956–965 (2015)
  16. Thermodynamic-ensemble independence of solvation free energy.
    S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 11, 378–380 (2015)
  17. Site-directed analysis on protein hydrophobicity.
    S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Journal of Computational Chemistry, 35, 1364–1370 (2014)
  18. Protein folding thermodynamics: A new computational approach.
    S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 118, 5017–5025 (2014)
  19. Interaction with the surrounding water plays a key role in determining the aggregation propensity of proteins.
    S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 53, 3961–3964 (2014)
  20. Assessing the influence of solvation models on structural characteristics of intrinsically disordered protein.
    S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 1017, 194–199 (2013)
  21. Conformational entropy of intrinsically disordered protein.
    S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 117, 5503–5509 (2013)
  22. Structural heterogeneity in familial Alzheimer’s disease mutants of amyloid-beta peptides.
    S.-H. Chong, J. Yim, and S. Ham
    Molecular BioSystems, 9, 997–1003 (2013)
  23. Aqueous interaction site integral-equation theory that exactly takes into account intramolecular correlations.
    S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 137, 154101 (17 pages) (2012)
  24. Elucidating the molecular origin of hydrolysis energy of pyrophosphate in water.
    J. Hong, N. Yoshida, S.-H. Chong, C. Lee, S. Ham, and F. Hirata
    Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 8, 2239–2246 (2012)
  25. Impact of chemical heterogeneity on protein self-assembly in water.
    S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A., 109, 7636–7641 (2012)
  26. Component analysis of the protein hydration entropy.
    S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Chemical Physics Letters, 535, 152–156 (2012)
  27. Atomic-level investigations on the amyloid- dimerization process and its driving forces in water.
    S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics, 14, 1573–1575 (2012)
  28. Structural and thermodynamic characteristics that seed aggregation of amyloid-beta protein in water.
    S.-H. Chong, M. Park, and S. Ham
    Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 8, 724–734 (2012)
  29. Atomic decomposition of the protein solvation free energy and its application to amyloid-beta protein in water.
    S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 135, 034506 (8 pages) (2011)
  30. Structural and thermodynamic investigations on the aggregation and folding of acylphosphatase by molecular dynamics simulations and solvation free energy analysis.
    S.-H. Chong, C. Lee, G. Kang, M. Park, and S. Ham
    Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133, 7075–7083 (2011)
  31. Zwanzig-Mori equation for the time-dependent pair distribution function.
    S.-H. Chong, C.-Y. Son, and S. Lee
    Physical Review E, 83, 041201 (10 pages) (2011)
  32. Propagator for diffusive dynamics of an interacting molecular pair.
    S. Lee, C. Y. Son, J. Sung, and S.-H. Chong
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 134, 121102 (4 pages) (2011)
  33. Configurational entropy of protein: A combined approach based on molecular simulation and integral-equation theory of liquids.
    S.-H. Chong and S. Ham
    Chemical Physics Letters, 504, 225–229 (2011)
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